July 9th, 2023

Cup stand
Solar HAM Radio
Solar Powered Mini-HAM Radio

By Joseph Nichols, Organizer

The next few updates will be about our “Supply Chain”. How we transform your donations into meaningful aid. How are cash donations transformed into the needed supplies, medicines, repair parts,…..? How do we cross borders? What issues do we face? Does the aid just go into a Black Hole???

There’s a lot of media spin on this subject. War is news, and news is a commodity doled out and sold to us on every device we carry, watch, drive, and unwind with at the end of our day. Most of what happens in the field is not followed by media outlets or visiting journalists.

We need your help, and want you to understand the pathways, obstacles, rules, and outcomes of all of our efforts. It’s a lot to put into one update, so I will be posting it here, in installments, as well as on Facebook (Care4Ukraine.Org) this coming week.

Our most recent starting point – Bulgaria.

As a side note, the third batch of HAM radios (a donation from the UK) for our micro-network is being deployed this coming week in Northeast Ukraine. These solar powered mini-systems can transmit medical and supply requests via relay when electricity is not available for normal (whatever that word means anymore) communications.