Robert Rose to participate in Coalition Against Disinformation Conference

For those of you who tuned into see me on the conference of Coalition Against Disinformation, I'm disappointed that I was made to wait and was unable to participate. The organizers were disorganized, but it wasn't all their fault, they were hacked by Russian Government Hackers during my time and for any of you who may have witnessed this, I apologize. However, the information gleaned from it was outstanding and I've made the PDF Report available for all to read. Until we begin approaching Russian Disinformation as the disease, the symptoms of polarization and dysfunction in US Politics and social life will continue, until perhaps democracy is a defeated. I don't believe in hyperbole, but after witnessing the unabated onslaught of activity on social media during the recent US election, I am convinced of this fact more than ever. 

Please visit this link to download the report  

Russian Disinformation Conference Disrupted