September 24th, 2023

Chernihiv before war
Chernihiv woman

By Joseph Nichols, Organizer

Chernihiv is a city located about two-hours northeast of Kyiv, close to where Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine intersect. It is/was a beautiful city famous for attracting writers that would find their muse in the forested landscapes and architecture. Since the very beginning of the war Chernihiv has withstood near daily air attacks.
From Chernihiv we travel about 400km east to Sumy, a city very close to the Russian border. There are stops in a few villages for small medicine deliveries. In Sumy we deliver basic medicines and vitamins. In this part of the country travel is in a single van with only food, hygiene products and medicines – no equipment. Most of the medicines are for specific people and some is carried in battery powered coolers.
From Sumy our route takes us to Poltava, on the Vorskla River. Again we deliver medicines and hygiene products, re-stock the van with food stuffs and travel to Kharkiv. Like Chernihiv, Kharkiv has suffered substantially from artillery and missile warfare. We have been operating two permanent education centers in Kharkiv that change locations often, but offer some degree of structured learning for 12-16 year old kids. Most schools in Eastern Ukraine are remote only, but power outages cut internet access on a regular basis and electrical infrastructure is already under winter attack.

When we leave the van transports people back to Poltava or Kyiv for advanced medical care.

The greatest need currently is hygiene products, especially for the girls. We purchase quantities in Poland at heavily discounted prices, but there never is enough it seems.
Vitamins are also a staple in need, and your donations would be gratefully accepted.

Petrol is always an expense and we are stocking it for the winter months in villages around Chernihiv.

We know that if you are reading this you have donated already – Thank You! for your support, and for considering us in your future donation planning.

(A pre-2022 photo of Chernihiv is attached for those interested)