My pal, adventure traveler and author Richard Bangs has been on some amazing travels and he has some great ones lined up for 2025 including Mongolia, Bhutan and Portugal. While Mongolia and Bhutan are still on my gotta-get-to-list and Portugal is my gotta-get-back-there-list, my favorite is his planned group tour for Western Ukraine, May 16-27, 2025.
Travel to Ukraine could not come at a more opportune time as US Aid has been paused to Ukraine and their is a looming worsening of the already tough humanitarian crisis as a result of the new administrations perplexing Russian-friendly policies.
When traveling to Western Ukraine, you are likely to feel very safe and secure, but do understand the nation is defending itself from war with Ruzzia, so anywhere can get hit at anytime.
Western Ukraine receives far less activity than Kyiv and Eastern Ukraine, closer to the front. Why?
While it's impossible to read Vladimir Putin's empty soul, there are a few theories:
1) Western Ukraine is close to NATO ally Poland and a miscalculation could start World War III.
2) Western Ukraine has always been very pro-European (much of it was once part of Poland) and the likelihood of Russia garnering support there is next to nil. Of course, now that Ruzzia has destroyed so much of Eastern Ukraine the likelihood of Ruzzia ever garnering support anywhere in Ukraine is now next to nil.
3) The most likely reason is that because of the distance, Western Ukraine is much tougher to target and hit, requiring long range missiles which are more expensive than munitions and are more likely to be shot down by air defense.
But Lviv and other parts of Western Ukraine do get hit from time to time. If you've watched any of my episodes from Ukraine or the documentary film, My Summer in Ukraine, then you've seen me film there, so you should have some idea of what to expect.
Is it worth the miniscule but very real risk that you may get hurt, injured or killed during your travels to Ukraine?
Only you can answer that question but I will say that once you cross the border, the feelings of nervousness turn to feelings of calmness very quickly and the beauty of Western Ukraine and it's friendly people (you can literally feel the difference from EU member Poland), is palpable.
I will just say that going to Ukraine during a war can change your life and most likely for the better.
You will be able to say you didn't just read about it and send some money from time to time, you went there personally and from the looks of the itinerary, will have an incredible travel experience in the process.
Click HERE for more information on the trip.